Monday, January 29, 2007

A Reminiscence of Keiko Fujimori [A Limerick]

A Reminiscence of Keiko Fujimori
[A Limerick]

Keiko Fujimori once said
(in so many words):
Be careful who you select
For your next president (of Peru)
Lest we be stuck—
For five-years, then what…?

#1634 1-29-2007 (Written in Lima, Peru) the Limerick is paraphrased to how I understood, what she meant, from a TV News broadcast in Lima, Peru (during the elections of 2006)

Note: The statement of being careful whom you select for president Keiko Fujimori said (which I remember her saying, watching TV, and was inspired by it; which is of great importance, and very much looked at in the United States) was during the runoffs of the election of 2006, for presidential candidates of Peru; but yet I think the statement is one everyone needs to examine, everywhere and every time they (or: one) go (s) to elect an official. So often, and so quickly one forgets who is paying their wages: Not only in Peru, but all over the world (South America seems to be plagued with it share of official robbers to the point, one wants to become an elected official simply for monetary gain).
Sometimes you get what you ask for only to regret later (and sometimes forget) you asked for it. I agree with Keiko, look at their track record (what have they done to deserve to represent the people)) too often we put into office unqualified people)).
So often we are fooled by their smile, and how they present a lecture. They (politicians) are trained to lecture, how to grab emotion of the soul of a person, how to use certain words to gain influence over a group or crowd. They know who they are talking to, what select group they are addressing. That is why we must elect our officials by thinking, not by our emotions.
I know the verse I wrote for Keiko, is short in words, if not oversimplified, but nothing more really needs to be added.


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