Thursday, May 10, 2007

Thursday Haikus: Lunch at the Cafe

Thursday Haikus: Lunch at the Café
[At El Parquettos, Miraflores, Lima Perú]

Lima Sun

They say, sun until June
—In Lima, Peru
What if they’re wrong?

#1823 (5-10-2007)) When we count on something or one too much, we normally get disappointed somewhere down the road; expectations unmet I call them, and sorry to say, we become disappointed in others and suffer for that, perhaps we need to look at things and people as less than perfect.))

Lunch at the Café

Worthless! Worthless!
— Spaghetti today
Like a lake full of rain



Silverware clashing!
Behind my back
Like birds out of tune…!

(at El Parquettos)

Commentary on From: Here we see the use of Haikus as (almost) epigrams, yet within keeping the grace of the haiku, and close to its form (the three lines, syllables are relatively close, if not 17-sylables, but the stress is not in keeping it uniform with the Japanese style Haikus, it is in keeping with the simplicity of the glorious day God has given, just one Thursday in so many.

Time Travel

Well, here I am again,
Its 2:35 PM (at the Café);
What month is it?



One of the greatest gifts
God has given me—!
Is sleep! Beautiful sleep!


Rotten Poets

The minds of Ginsberg and Burroughs
Was full of nasty thrills
With young boys


Café Blues

Soupy Skies—
Crossing over the open café
Becoming too pale to write


Allen Ginsberg spoke of Kerouac as the master of the Haiku, I now care to refute this; first of all Ginsberg was perhaps the worse and most unclassy poet that has ever lived, and Kerouac, although good with spontaneous prose, was far from a master of the Haiku; the best I can say is he was the master of his own style of Haiku, and that alone. If he did anything, he lowered the Haiku to a windmill, where at once it was a skyscraper.

Afternoon Haikus at the Cafe

Afternoon Haikus at the Cafe
[At El Parquettos, Miraflores, Lima Peru]

Outside the Cafe

The little pigeons
Around the cobblestone
Are looking around!...

#1814 (5-9-2007)


The waitress looks
Like pigeon
Picking her ear at heaven



Men of the band—
What do they think?
I know (money for tips!)



In the afternoon sun
The people
Walk slowly

(by the café)


Rosa Reads

Frozen in thought
Forearms on the table
Under a yellow umbrella


Minstrels #2

Listen to the band play!
All the little brave men
Will all die some day!



The sun creeps over the umbrella
Separates us—
Like heaven to Hell



Coffee—too strong
To put me to sleep
Too light to drink


Comments on the Haikus—The Haiku is both singular and plural, but can bring some issues when the‘s’ is employed. Best known for its 17-short line syllables and developed over hundred of years in Japan. Many people have slighted the original style of the Haiku, calling it revolutionary names, unskilled at it likewise, such as those ungrateful from the Beat Generation, who seemed to have won the hearts of many with a single utterance from Zen, on top of their well wishes. Anyhow Ginsberg, Kerouac, Burroughs, and those like them somehow felt like Solomon and King David involved in producing the new Psalms of God, felt like they were doing bestowing upon earth such great wisdom. Not likely of course. Poetry should have no trickery, especially in the short Haikus, since there is no room for them. They need to be free, plane, graceful, simple, and to the point. I’ve written many in the past, and have exterminated with them, like others, careful not to descry the essence of them. We must make sure the course of the poem does not go mountain climbing, in saying that I mean, we must look for a fresh lake water in writing them, the calmness must be in them, for if not how can they grow on the soul. Ezra Pound, a great writer in many forms, studied the Haikus as many of his contemporaries have. And I suppose I have, and those after me will. The best we can do is to produce them with grace, and apologize for our mistakes, and stand tall for our endeavors.

Note: It should be noted, there are different styles of Haikus, Chinese and Italian to mention a few; some with additional lines, and others with additional syllables within the lines, it just happens to be the Japanese is the most popular.

Little Windows

The little silent stone windows
At Cajamarca
Stare in our face!

#1812 (The Little Windows refer to the graveyard, 200 AD, in Cajamarca, Peru, where the pre Inca natives buried their dead in the windows)

The Picture

Keep your eye steady
Lest you lose the whole objective
To paint the whole picture
